Oberfeld, D., Fischenich, A., & Ponsot, E. (2024). Non-uniform temporal weighting of intensity in audition and vision: The signature of an evidence integration process? Acta Acustica, 8, 57. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Hots, J., Oberfeld, D. & Verhey, J. L. (2024). Spatial weights in loudness judgements. Acta Acustica, 8, 36. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Jonauskaite, D., Epicoco, D., ..., Oberfeld, D., … Mohr, C. (2024). A comparative analysis of colour–emotion associations in 16–88‐year‐old adults from 31 countries. British Journal of Psychology, 115, 275-305. [Abstract]
Kehl, L., Brietzke, A., Pham Xuan, R., & Hecht, H. (2024). Anticipatory vibrotactile cues reduce motion sickness in car passengers during stop-and-go driving. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 107, 791–802. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Wögerbauer, E. M., von Castell, C., Welsch, R. & Hecht, H. (2024). Preferred distance in human-drone interaction. Vision, 8, 59. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Hecht, H., Aulenbacher, C., Helmbold, L., & Eichhorn, H., von Castell, C. (2024). A vestibular training to reduce dizziness. Applied Sciences, 14, 6870. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Schärli, A., Hecht, H., Mast, F. W., & Hossner, E.-J. (2024). How spotting technique affects dizziness and postural stability after full-body rotations in dancers. Human Movement Science, 95, 103211 [Full-Text and Abstract]
Papenmeier, F., Meyerhoff, H. S., Hecht, H., Huff, M. (2024). Stereo viewing upsets cinematic continuity: Filmic cuts are more salient in 3D- than in 2D-movies. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 18(4), 607–616. [Abstract]
Wögerbauer, E. M., Bernhard, C., & Hecht, H. (2024). Synthetic displays and their potential for driver assistance systems. Information,15, 177. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Oberfeld, D., Kattner, F., Staab, K, & Ellermeier, W. (2024). Is recognition of speech in noise related to memory disruption caused by irrelevant sound? Trends in Hearing, 28. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Utegaliyev, N. & von Castell, C. (2024). Expected events dilate subjective duration in the auditory modality: Effects of predictability and expectation on time perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.[Abstract]
Wögerbauer, E. M., Hecht, H., Wessels, M. (2023). Camera–monitor systems as an opportunity to compensate for perceptual errors in time-to-contact estimations. Vision, 7, 65. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Röckel, C., & Hecht, H. (2023). Regular looks out the window do not maintain situation awareness in highly automated driving. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 98, 368–381. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Wessels, M., Hecht, H., Huisman, T., & Oberfeld, D. (2023). Trial-by-trial feedback fails to improve the consideration of acceleration in visual time-to-collision estimation. PLoS ONE, 18(8): e0288206. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Welsch, R., Hecht, H., & Stins, J. (2023). Task-relevant social cues affect whole-body approach-avoidance behavior. Scientific Reports 13:8568. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Hauck, P., & Hecht, H. (2023). Emotionally congruent music and text increase immersion and appraisal. PLoS ONE, [Full-Text and Abstract]
Becker, S., Brandenburg, S., & Thüring, M. (2023). Driver-Initiated Take-Overs during Critical Braking Maneuvers in Automated Driving. Accident Analysis & Prevention. [Abstract]
Bernhard, C., Reinhard, R., Kleer, M., & Hecht, H. (2023). A case for raising the camera: A driving simulator test of camera-monitor systems. Human Factors, 65(2), 321–336. [Abstract]
Oberfeld-Twistel, D. (2023). Kognitive Anstrengung: kognitionspsychologische Grundlagen und Konzepte. In J. Grenzebach (Ed.): Workshop zur Quantifizierung mentaler Beanspruchung aus Tätigkeit und Umgebungsfaktoren der Arbeit. Themenschwerpunkt: (Neuro-)physiologische Methoden zur Messung der Wirkung von Lärm auf kognitive Prozesse (baua: Fokus), pp. 62-67. Dortmund: Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin. [PDF]
Oberfeld, D., Huisman, T., & Wessels, M. (2023). Pedestrians’ time-to-collision estimation and road crossing judgments differ between electric and conventional vehicles. In H. Rottengruber & T. Luft (Eds.), Aggregate- und Antriebsakustik. Tagungsband des 12. Magdeburger Symposiums. Magdeburg: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. [Abstract].
Wessels, M., Kröling, S. & Oberfeld, D. (2022). Audiovisual time-to-collision estimation for accelerating vehicles: The acoustic signature of electric vehicles impairs pedestrians' judgments. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 91, 191-212. [Abstract]
Kaufeld, M., Mundt, M., Forst, S., & Hecht, H. (2022). Optical see-through augmented reality can induce severe motion sickness. Displays, 74, [Full-Text and Abstract]
Utegaliyev, N., Castell, C. v., & Hecht, H. (2022). Vestibular stimulation causes contraction of subjective time. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Hauck, P., von Castell, C., & Hecht, H. (2022). Crossmodal correspondence of music and ambient color is mediated by emotion. Multisensory Research, 35, 407-446. [Abstract]
Kaufeld, M., Bourdeinik, J., Prinz, L. M., Mundt, M., & Hecht, H. (2022). Emotions are associated with the genesis of visually induced motion sickness in virtual reality. Experimental Brain Research,240(10), 2757–2771. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Thomas, L., Castell, C. v., & Hecht, H. (2022). How facial masks alter the interaction of gaze direction, head orientation, and emotion recognition. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 16:937939. [Full-Text]
Bernhard, C., Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H. (2022). Rear-view perception in driving: Distance information is privileged in the selection of safe gaps. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 86, 263–280. [Abstract]
Kaufeld, M., De Coninck, K., Schmidt, J., & Hecht, H. (2022). Chewing gum reduces visually induced motion sickness. Experimental Brain Research, 240(2), 651–663. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Bernhard, C., & Hecht, H. (2022). Mirror or camera? Acceptance and valuation of camera-monitor systems. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 13, 100512. [Abstract]
Bernhard, C., Klem, A., Altuntas, E. C., & Hecht, H. (2022). Wider is better but sharper is not: Optimizing the image of camera-monitor systems. Ergonomics, 65(7), 899-914. [Abstract]
Oberfeld, D.*, Wessels, M.*, & Büttner, D. (2022). Overestimated time-to-collision for quiet vehicles: Evidence from a study using a novel audiovisual virtual-reality system for traffic scenarios. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 175, 106778. [Abstract];
*shared first authorship, full text available until 10/09/2022: [Full text]
Fischer, H., Huff, M., & Said, N. (2022). Polarized climate beliefs: No evidence for science literacy driving motivated reasoning in a US national study. American Psychologist. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Wessels, M., Zähme, C. & Oberfeld, D. (2022) Auditory Information Improves Time-to-collision Estimation for Accelerating Vehicles. Current Psychology. [Abstract]
Oberfeld, D., Wessels, M., & Kröling, S. (2022). Risiko hohe Beschleunigung? Straßenquerungsverhalten von Fußgänger:innen in Interaktion mit E-Fahrzeugen (mit und ohne AVAS) im Vergleich zu Verbrennern. Unfallforschung der Versicherer, Forschungsbericht Nr. 76. Gesamtverband der Versicherer, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-948917-07-4 [PDF]
Wessels, M., Utegaliyev, N., Bernhard, C., Welsch, R., Oberfeld, D., Thönes, S., & von Castell, C. (2022). Adapting to the pandemic: Longitudinal effects of social restrictions on time perception and boredom during the Covid-19 pandemic in Germany. Scientific Reports, 12, 1863. [Full text]
Bernhard, C., Klem, A., Altuntas, E. C., & Hecht, H. (2021). Wider is better but sharper is not: Optimizing the image of camera-monitor systems. Ergonomics, [Abstract] [PDF]
Brandenburg, S. & Oehl, M. (2021). Driving Anger Experience in Germany: Validation of the Driving Anger Scale. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 81, 317-328. [Abstract]
Trommler, D., Morgenstern, T., Wögerbauer, E. M., Naujoks, F., Krems, J. F., & Keinath, A. (2021). The box task – a method for assessing in-vehicle system demand. MethodsX, 8, 101261. [Full text]
Fischenich, A., Hots, J., & Verhey, J., Guldan, J., & Oberfeld, D. (2021). Temporal loudness weights: Primacy effects, loudness dominance and their interaction. PLOS One, 16, e0261001. [Full text]
Hecht, H., Brendel, E., Wessels, M., & Bernhard, C. (2021). Estimating time-to-contact when vision is impaired. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-14. [Abstract]
Hecht, H., Wilhelm, A., & von Castell, C. (2021). Inverting the Wollaston illusion: Gaze direction attracts perceived head orientation. i-Perception, 12(5), 1-13. [Full text]
Welsch, R., Wessels, M., Bernhard, C., Thönes, S., & von Castell, C. (2021). Physical distancing and the perception of interpersonal distance in the COVID-19 crisis. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 11485. [Full text]
Fischenich, A., Hots, J., & Verhey, J., Oberfeld, D. (2021). Temporal loudness weights are frequency specific. Frontiers in Psychology - Auditory Neuroscience.[Full text]
Braly, A., DeLucia, P. R., & Oberfeld, D. (2021). Does affective content of sounds affect auditory time-to-collision estimation? Auditory Perception & Cognition. [Abstract]
von Castell, Oberfeld, D., & Hecht, H. (2021). Visual and postural eye-height information is flexibly coupled in the perception of virtual environments.Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 47(8), 1132–1148. [Abstract]
Castritius, S. M., Schubert, P., Dietz, C. Hecht, H., Huestegge, L., Liebherr, M., & Haas, C. T. (2021). Driver situation awareness and perceived sleepiness during truck platoon driving – Insights from eye-tracking data. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 37(15), 1467-1477. [Abstract]
Bernhard, C., & Hecht, H. (2021). The ups and downs of camera-monitor systems: The effect of camera position on rearward distance perception. Human Factors, 63(3), 415-432. [Abstract]
Said, N., & Fischer, H. (2021). Extrapolation accuracy underestimates rule learning: Evidence from the function-learning paradigm. Acta Psychologica, 218, 103356.
Fischer, H. & van den Broek, K. (2021). Climate change knowledge, metaknowledge, and beliefs. In A. Franzen & S. Mader (Eds.),Research Handbook on Environmental Sociology. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. [Abstract]
Said*, N., Fischer,* H., & Anders, G. (2021). Contested science: Individuals with higher metacognitive insight into interpretation of evidence are less likely to polarize. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1-13. * Equal contribution
Fischer, H., & Said, N. (2021). Importance of domain-specific metacognition for explaining beliefs about politicized science: The case of climate change. Cognition, 208, 104545.
Oehl, M., Becker, T., & Brandenburg, S. (2020). Validation of the Cycling Anger Scale in Singapore. Traffic Injury Prevention. [Abstract]
Brandenburg, S. & Roche, F. (2020). Behavioral Changes to Repeated Takeovers in Automated Driving: The Drivers’ Ability to Transfer Knowledge and the Effects of Takeover Request Design. Transportation Research Part F, 73. 15-28. [Abstract]
Morgenstern, T., Wögerbauer, E. M., Naujoks, F., Krems, J. F., & Keinath, A. (2020). Measuring driver distraction – Evaluation of the box task method as a tool for assessing in-vehicle system demand. Applied Ergonomics, 88, 103181. [Abstract]
Thönes, S., & Oberfeld, D. (2020). Depression. In S. Schinkel et al. (Eds.), Zeit im Lebensverlauf. Ein Glossar. transcript Verlag, Bielefeld, pp. 99-102.
Jonauskaite, D., Abu-Akel*, A., Dael*, N., Oberfeld*, D., …, & Mohr, C. (2020). Universal patterns in color-emotion associations are further shaped by linguistic and geographic proximity. Psychological Science. [Abstract] (*: co-second authorship)
Fischenich, A., Hots, J., & Verhey, J., Oberfeld, D. (2020). The effect of silent gaps on temporal weights in loudness judgments. Hearing Research, 395, 108028. [Full text]
Castritius, S. M., Lu, X-Y., Bernhard, C., Liebherr, M., Schubert, P., & Hecht, H. (2020). Public acceptance of semi-automated truck platoon driving: A comparison between Germany and California. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 74, 361-374. [Abstract]
Welsch, R., Hecht, H., Chuang, L., & von Castell, C. (2020). Interpersonal distance in the SARS-CoV-2 crisis.Human Factors, 62(7), 1095-1101. [Abstract]
Welsch, R., von Castell, C., Rettenberger, M., Turner, D., Hecht, H. & Fromberger, P. (2020). Sexual attraction modulates interpersonal distance and approach-avoidance movements towards virtual agents in males.PLoS ONE,15(4), e0231539. [Abstract]
Bernhard, C., Oberfeld, D., Hoffmann, H., Weismüller, D., & Hecht, H. (2020). User acceptance of automated public transport: Valence of an autonomous minibus experience. Transportation Research F, 70, 109-123. [Abstract]
Hecht, H., Siebrand, S., & Thönes, S. (2020). Quantifying the Wollaston illusion. Perception, 49(5), 588-599.
Schneider, D., Zickerick, B., Thönes, S., & Wascher, E. (2020). Encoding, storage and response preparation – Distinct EEG correlates of stimulus and action representations in working memory. Psychophysiology [Abstract]
Castritius, S. M., Hecht, H., Möller, J., Dietz, C. J., Schubert, P., Bernhard, C., Siedler, S., Haas, C. T., & Hammer, S. (2020) Acceptance of truck platooning by professional drivers on German highways: A mixed methods approach. Applied Ergonomics, 85, [Abstract]
Gajewski,D. P., Falkenstein, M., Thönes, S., & Wascher, E. (2020). Stroop task performance across the lifespan: High cognitive reserve in older age is associated with enhanced proactive and reactive interference control, NeuroImage, 207, 116430.
Welsch, R., Schmidt A.F., Turner, D. & Rettenberger M. (2020). Mean temporal stability and retest reliability of the explicit and implicit sexual interest profile (EISIP). Online First. Sexual Abuse.
Zickerick, B., Thönes, S., Kobald, S.O., Wascher, E., Schneider, D., & Küper, K. (2020). Differential Effects of Interruptions and Distractions on Working Memory Processes in an ERP Study. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 14:84. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.0008
von Castell, C., Hecht, H., & Oberfeld, D. (2020). Wall patterns influence the perception of interior space. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73(I), 29-54. [Abstract]
Herrmann, A., Amelung, D., Fischer, H., & Sauerborn, R. (2020). Communicating the health co- benefits of climate change mitigation to households and policy makers. In Research Handbook on Communicating Climate Change (pp. 279-289). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Fischer, H., van den Broek, K. L., Ramisch, K., & Okan, Y. (2020). When IPCC graphs can foster or bias understanding: evidence among decision-makers from governmental and non- governmental institutions. Environmental Research Letters, 15(11), 114041.
Hemmerich, W. A., Keshavarz, B., & Hecht, H. (2020). Visually induced motion sickness on the horizon: The role of world-centered vs observer-centered reference information. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 1, 30. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Welsch, R., Kolar, D., Witthöft, M., Hecht, H., & Legenbauer, T. (2020). Body image avoidance affects interpersonal distance perception: a virtual environment experiment. European Eating Disorders Review, 28, 282-295. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Hauck, P. S., & Hecht, H. (2019). The louder, the longer: Object length perception is influenced by loudness, but not by pitch. Vision, 3, 57. [Full-Text and Abstract]
Muttray, A., Löb, N., Poplawski, A., Hecht, H., Beutel, T., & Rose, D. M. (2019). Zur Paralleltestreliabilität des Corporal Plus. Zeitschrift für Verkehrssicherheit, 65(4), 264-270. [Abstract] [PDF]
Bowers, A. R., Sheldon, S., & Hecht, H. (2019). The effects of hemianopia on perception of mutual gaze. Optometry and Vision Science, 96(11), 860-865. [Abstract][PDF]
Roche, F. & Brandenburg, S. (2019). Should the urgency of visual-tactile takeover requests match the criticality of takeover situations? IEEE: Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles. [Abstract]
Brandenburg, S., & Chuang, L. (2019). Take-over requests during highly automated driving: How should they be presented and under what conditions? Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 66. 214-225. [Abstract]
Oehl, M., Brandenburg, S., & Huemer, A. (2019). German Bike Messengers’ Experiences and Expressions of Cycling Anger. Traffic Injury Prevention. [Abstract]
Brandenburg, S. & Epple, S. (2019). Drivers’ Individual Design Preferences of Takeover Re- quests in Highly Automated Driving. iCOM (18)2. 167-178. [Abstract]
Brandenburg, S., Oehl, M., & Hartwig, C. (2019). Driving Anger Expression in Germany - Validation of the Driving Anger Expression Inventory for German Drivers. Traffic Injury Prevention. [Abstract]
Oehl, M., Brandenburg, S., Huemer, A.K. (2019). Cyclists’ Anger Experience in Road Traffic: The Cycling Anger Scale, Transportation Research: Part F Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 564-574. [Abstract]
Schöne, B., Wessels, M., & Gruber, T. (2019). Experiences in virtual reality: A window to autobiographical memory. Current Psychology, 38, 715–719.[Abstract]
Fischenich, A., Hots, J., & Verhey, J., Oberfeld, D. (2019). Temporal weights in loudness: Investigation of the effects of background noise and sound level.PLOS One, 14(11): e0223075.[Full text]
Hecht, H., Welsch, R., Viehoff, J. & Longo, M. R. (2019). The shape of personal space. Acta Psychologica, 193, 113-122, doi:10.1016/j.actpsy.2018.12.009
Jonauskaite, D., Wicker, J., Mohr, C., Dael, N., Havelka, J., Papadatou-Pastou, M., Zhang, M., & Oberfeld, D. (2019). A machine learning approach to quantifying the specificity of color-emotion associations and their cultural differences. Royal Society Open Science, 6, 190741. [Full text]
Jonauskaite, D., ... , Oberfeld, D., et al.(2019). The sun is no fun without rain: Physical environments affect how we feel about yellow across 55 countries. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 66, 101350. [Abstract]
Thönes, S. & Stocker,K. (2019). A standard conceptual framework for the study of subjective time. Consciousness and Cognition,71,114-122.
Welsch, R., Kolar, D., Witthöft, M., Hecht, H., & Legenbauer, T. (2019). Body image avoidance affects interpersonal distance perception: A virtual environment experiment. Early View. European Eating Disorder Review.
Welsch, R., von Castell, C., & Hecht, H. (2019). Interpersonal distance regulation and approach-avoidance reactions are altered in psychopathy. Clinical Psychological Science. doi: 10.1177/2167702619869336
Dubois, G.,et al., (2019). It starts at home? Climate policies targeting household consumption and behavioral decisions are key to low-carbon futures. Energy Research & Social Science, 52, 144-158.
Fischer, H., Amelung, D., & Said, N. (2019). The accuracy of German citizens’ confidence in their climate change knowledge. Nature Climate Change, 9(10), 776-780.
Bothner, F., Dorner, F., Herrmann, A., Fischer, H., & Sauerborn, R. (2019). Explaining climate policies’ popularity—an empirical study in four European countries. Environmental Science & Policy, 92, 34-45.